Structure, Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Nanostructured and Biophysical Systems


  • Theoretical Physics


The Research group concerning “Structure, dynamics and thermodynamics of nanostructured and biophysical systems” is active both in the field of theoretical-computational simulations and in the field of experimental techniques, in particular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in collaboration with prof. G. Esposito (New York University at Abu Dhabi, UAE).

The group's numerical simulation activity deals with a wide range of timescales, dimensions and levels of theory and accuracy. The simulations from prime principles based on the theory of the density functional (such as the Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics) are the most accurate and the most demanding, in terms of computational resources. In this field, P.G. is active in the development of new methodologies and the related software, in particular as to the distributed open-source Quantum ESPRESSO, used by many groups all over the world, whose development he coordinates, in cooperation with the European MaX Project. The systems studied by P.G. in recent works include: organic-inorganic heterostructures for photovoltaic devices and applications; aggregation of models of peptide chains due to metal ions; catalytic properties and gas absorption on graphene and carbon nanotubes.

The simulations of biomolecules with classical force fields provide atomic-level information as to molecular dynamics and on the differences in the free energy in conformational fields and in the biomolecular interactions. The group developed methods for electrostatics calculations and for free energy calculations from simulations. On the experimental side, the NMR spectroscopy allows the detailed study at the atomic level of the structure, interactions and kinetics of biomolecular processes. The group (when headed by Prof. G. Esposito) developed an experiment (BLUU-Tramp) in which the hydrogen-deuterium exchange is monitored as a function of time and temperature. The passing of time is coupled with the increase in temperature. In this way, it is possible to achieve in one session the information that would require weeks or months by means of traditional exchange experiments.Specific programs have also been developed for the calculation of conformational (PDB2ENTROPY), rotational/translational (PDB2TRENT) entropies and for electrostatics calculations in biosystems in solution (BLUUES). Simulations and experiments are applied to different biological systems including proteins, drugs and nanoparticles.



Research subjects

  • New developments, validation and porting of scientific software for first-principles calculations to exascale
  • New catalysers obtained by deposition on graphene and self-organization of biomimetic molecules
  • Quantum transport with non-equilibrium Green's function with electron-phonon interaction from first principles
  • Calculations of free energy through simulations
  • Biomolecular electrostatics
  • Biomolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, thermodynamics and local and global dynamics
  • Biocatalysis in deep eutectic solvents

ERC panels

  • PE3_1 Structure of solids, material growth and characterisation
  • PE3_16 Physics of biological systems
  • PE4_11 Physical chemistry of biological systems


  • Teoria del Funzionale densita'
  • Dinamica Molecolare NMR Energia libera
