- Distributed Systems, Internet of Things, and Cybersecurity
Group's website
The research group develops methods and tools for verifying and guaranteeing security properties of IT systems. The group also studies the semantic models needed for the formal reasoning about various aspects of security, such as authentication, confidentiality, authenticity. The applied π-calculus, graph and bigraph models, etc., can be listed among these models, from which several methods for verification and analysis can be derived, such as modal logic bisimulations. On another front, the group is committed to studying and developing algorithms for identifying anomalous behaviour patterns in computer networks by means of pattern recognition and event detection techniques. Among the applications, the following can be mentioned: the formal modelling of security protocols in applied π-calculus, the automated recognition of users starting from the web traffic patterns, the recognition of anomalous behaviour patterns (such as intrusions and backdoor use) in virtualised or paravirtualised systems.
The group collaborates with several internationally well-known groups, in Italy, France, Denmark; it is or has been involved in national and international research projects, for example PRIN 2008 (SISTER), PRIN 2010 (CINA). The group is a member of the CINI Laboratory for CyberSecurity. The group members often participate in programme committees for conferences and workshops in this field. The group also collaborates with several enterprises in the field.
Research subjects
- Modelli formali per aspetti di sicurezza: studio della formalizzazione di protocolli in algebre di processi, in particolare utilizzando varianti dell’applied π-calculus.
- Rilevamento di comportamenti anomali: nuovi meccaismi per la cattura di eventi mediante sonde su reti di calcolatori e su dispositivi mobili, soprattutto in modo “stealth”, ossia non rilevabile da chi è osservato.
- Analysis of event logs and network traffic.
- New algorithms for pattern recognition and machine learning for the classification of anomalous behaviour patterns.
ERC panels
- PE6_3 Software engineering, programming languages
- PE6_8 Artificial intelligence, autonomous agents, knowledge representation
- PE6_10 Natural language processing, large language and other foundation models
- Applied π-calculus; protocolli di sicurezza; verifica (semi)automatica di proprietà di sicurezza;
- analisi di log di eventi; pattern recognition; classificazione automatica di eventi
- sistemi intelligenti; machine learning; sistemi autonomici.