Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality


  • Human-Computer Interaction

Group's website


The research activity of the group is organised in four main threads.

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Serious Games for training and e-learning. The research is about the design and rigorous assessment of such systems, to better understand their theoretical underpinnings as well as to increase their practical effectiveness. The domains for which the group has proposed original and innovative solutions include aviation safety, first aid, emergency medicine, and civil protection.

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Serious games for health and well-being. The research involves the design and rigorous evaluation of such systems in a variety of domains that include mindfulness, stress and anxiety mitigation, chronic pain.

Information Visualization. The research focuses especially on visualization on small mobile displays, exploring how to encode, select, visually present, manipulate data. of visualization, considering the user's perceptive and cognitive abilities.

Navigation and usability of 3D virtual environments. The research is focused on: (i) studying the navigation behaviour and the manipulation of objects by the users within virtual environments and (ii) proposing interaction techniques that improve the usability of navigation activities and of virtual 3D object manipulation activities.

Some of the research activities are included in international projects and collaborations, with organizations such as the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Research subjects

  • Virtual Reality systems and Serious Game systems for training and e-learning
  • Information visualization
  • Navigation and usability of 3D Virtual Environments
  • Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Serious Games for health and wellbeing

ERC panels

  • PE6_8 Artificial intelligence, autonomous agents, knowledge representation
  • PE6_9 Machine learning, statistical data processing, computing with artificial neural networks


  • Realtà virtuale, serious games, training, safety, virtual reality
