Geomatics and Computer Vision
- Computer and Network Engineering
- Construction, Architecture and Infrastructure
Our research focuses on converting data produced by imaging and scanning sensors into models of objects, buildings, and geographical areas. The data come from various sources, including cameras, using both terrestrial and aerial systems (including UAVs), in visible and multispectral bands, as well as laser scanners. The output we aim to provide includes maps and models of the acquired subjects, such as virtual and augmented 3D models of objects or buildings, elevation maps, and land cover maps. The goal is to obtain precise geometric measurements and semantic interpretations (classification) of the world as perceived through sensors while minimizing user interaction. From a methodological perspective, we investigate the global geometric constraints imposed by the reciprocal relationships of cameras and sensors in general.
Research subjects
- Advanced Topographic Surveying Techniques, GNSS, and Measurement Analysis
- Acquisition, Classification, and Modeling of Laser Scanning and Photogrammetric Data
- ntegrated Surveying Using Mobile Systems (UAV, MMS, SLAM)
- Computer Vision Techniques for 3D Reconstruction from Images (SfM)
- Remote Sensing and Processing of Aerial and Satellite Hyperspectral Images
- Cartography, Topographic Databases, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- 3D Modeling and HBIM for the Conservation and Structural Analysis of Architectural Heritage
- Geometric Aspects of Camera and Sensor Networks (Localization, Rigidity)
ERC panels
- PE8_3 Civil engineering, architecture, offshore construction, lightweight construction, geotechnics
- PE6_11 Computer vision, computer graphics, visualization
- PE6_8 Artificial intelligence, autonomous agents, knowledge representation
- PE10_14 Earth observations from space/remote sensing
- Visione computazionale, Elaborazione delle immagini, Laser scanning, Modellazione tridimensionale
- Tecniche multispettrali e iperspettrali, Beni culturali, Rilevamento fotogrammetrico