

  • Viticulture, Oenology and Alcoholic Beverages (VEB)


Grape cultivation is studied in its details, starting from the plant’s physiological response to abiotic and biotic environmental factors, from mineral nutrition to the irrigation management in their quantitative and qualitative production implications. Using selection techniques based on molecular biology methods, new vine varieties are obtained to have an improved pathogen resistance and high grape and wine quality. Phenomena relating to the vineyard system are also studied using simulation models.

Research subjects

  • water stress, soil and canopy management as affecting yield and grape quality
  • mitigation and adaptation practices to cope with climate change
  • application of innovative sensors, robotic platforms and remote sensing to precisely monitor plant physiology
  • optimisation of viticultural practices for sparkling wine production
  • development and calibration of simulation models for grapevine physiology as related to environmental factors
  • effect of biotic and abiotic stresses on primary and secondary metabolism in grapes and leaves
  • evaluation of the biostimulants’ effects on grapevine resilience, grape and wine quality
  • grapevine genetics and breeding, collection and phenotypical characterization of grapevine germplasm
  • selection of grapevine varieties resistant to diseases with high grape and wine quality
  • development of molecular markers for the assisted selection of resistance and agronomical/enological characters

ERC panels

  • LS8_2 Biodiversity
  • LS9_9 Plant pathology and pest resistence
  • SH7_5 Sustainability sciences, environment and resources, ecosystem services
