Principles of Wastewater Treatment (Principi per il trattamento acque reflue)
The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamentals on wastewater engineering. Physical, chemical and biological characterization and analytical methods for wastewater are the main topics.
Acquired skills:
- Knowledge of the main sources of pollution for the wastewaters.
- Evaluate technical-practical problems concerning wastewater.
- Knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological characterization of wastewaters.
- Planning sampling and analysis of wastewaters.
- Knowledge of the most important analytical equipment for wastewater characterization.
Water pollution: the hydrologic cycle, quality and use of water, sources of pollution (2 hours)
Physical characteristics of wastewater: turbidity, temperature, color, odors, conductivity, solids; sedimentation and flocculation theory (10 hours)
Chemical characteristics of wastewater: inorganic matter (major ionic and anionic species, total dissolved solids, metals, nutrients, fluoride, contaminants), organic matter (COD, BOD, TOC, surfactants, lipids, synthetic organic compounds), pH, alkalinity and hardness (18 hours)
Biological characteristics of wastewater: microorganisms and pathogens (4 hours)
Sampling and maintenance: methodologies for a correct sampling and maintenance of the sample (3 hours)
Analytical procedures: titration, spectrophotometry, chromatography, GC-MS, HPLC (6 hours)
Stoichiometry and kinetics of chemical reactions: reversible and irreversible reactions, homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, reaction rate and order of reaction; short review on: dipole moment, solubility, partition coefficient, bioaccumulation, volatility, toxicology (dose-effect curve, LC50) (3 hours)
Regulations: analysis of the wastewaters regulations (2 hours)
Laboratory practical: applications of some analytical procedures from “Metodi analitici per le Acque” by IRSA-CNR and Standard Methods for the examination of Water and Wastewater by APHA e AWWA (8 hours)
Visit to a wastewater treatment plant (4 hours)
Lecture notes
H. S. Pevy, D. R. Rowe, G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, Mc-Graw-Hill
G. Tchobanoglous, E. D. Schroeder, Water Quality Addison Wesley
W. W. Eckenfelder, Industrial Water Pollution Control, Mc-Graw-Hill
G. De Feo. S. De Gisi, M. Galasso, Acque Reflue, Dario Flaccovio Editore
Type of exam: