Incontri con l'esperta - prof.ssa Caimotto, 14 marzo 2025 in Aula 7

Si comunica che il giorno 14 marzo 2025 si terrà un incontro nel ciclo degli incontri con l'esperta/o. Di seguito i dettagli:

Prof. ssa M. Cristina Caimotto - Università di Torino

14 marzo 2025 – Aula 7 Palazzo Antonini

h- 10-12 Think global, act local: discourses of local transport, climate change and ecojustice
When we think of the climate crisis, we often focus on global solutions, SDGs, COPs and the Paris Agreement. The aim of this seminar is to shift the attention to local issues revolving around urban transport in order to show how discourses and policies concerning how we move around cities can actually impact the planet.
h 12-14 Reframing for ecojustice: how local narratives affect systemic change
What is ecojustice? How do we make sure all citizens are granted the right to live in safe and healthy cities? How can narratives play a role in the creation of new ways of inhabiting urban spaces? After a brief introduction to systems thinking and the notion of leverage points, this seminar will explore the potential of narrative change in order to obtain better urban spaces and overcome climate inaction.

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