Building Constructions (Costruzioni edili)

Programma dell'insegnamento di Building Constructions (Costruzioni edili) - cdl in Ingegneria Civile


prof. Giovanni TUBARO




The course is oriented to educate in organizing, leading and managing the people, resources, and processes.Students in the Public Works program learn the basic principles management, real estate development.Public works students are trained to manage the functions and processes of every aspect of the construction industry.

Acquired skills

- Elements of procedural and legal aspects in the costruction process.
- Tecnical issues of costruction process.
- Work accounting.
- Work inspection.
- Work scheduling and site planning.
- Methods for safety managment


Procedural and legal aspects: Building construction regulations and other statutory requirements. (12 hours)
Tender action: Production information and Tender action - preparation of drawings and specifications for main Contractor. (12 hours)
Buildin design: Standardized divisional breakdown structure of building design. (12 hours)
Design project: Management and Planning of the Design Project. (12 hours)


- Appunti delle lezioni
- G. Tubaro, "La gestione dell'appalto nelle costruzioni: interventi di edilizia pubblica e privata", Forum edizioni, Udine.
- M. Picone, "Tecnologia della produzione edilizia. Metodiche industriali e tecnologie operative per i cantieri edili". Utet edizioni, Torino.
- P.N.Maggi " Il processo edilizio", Polipress, Milano

Additional material or information on line

Type of exam:

Oral and/or thesis