Design of Transportation Infrastructures (Progetto di infrastrutture viarie)
The course aims at providing students with the knowledge needed for the design of transportation infrastructures, particularly with regard to the road design and the construction technologies.
Acquired skills
Design of Trasportation infrastructures
Performance characterization of bitumen and asphalt concretes: stiffness, fatigue, rutting and aging. Volumetric design of bituminous mixtures. Flexible pavements design. Innovative technologies for the road construction and maintenance. Basic concepts for the constitutive modeling of visco-elasto-plastic materials. (40 hours)
Road design. Drawing up a road project. Documents required by Italian and Regional standards. (20 hours)
G. Tesoriere, “Strade, Ferrovie ed Aeroporti”, 1°, 2°, 3° volume, UTET, Torino, 1996 (nuova ediz.).
P. Ferrari, F. Giannini, Ingegneria Stradale, 2 volumi, ISEDI, Milano, 1994 (nuova ediz.)
M. Agostinacchio, D. Ciampa, S. Olita, “Strade Ferrovie Aeroporti”, EPC Libri, Roma, 2005.
Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti: Decreto 5/11/2001, Norme funzionali e geometriche per la costruzione di strade (S.O. alla G.U. n. 3 del 4/1/2002).
Lectures Notes.
Type of exam