Laboratorio di inglese IV

Programma dell'insegnamento - Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Scienze della formazione primaria - Laboratorio di inglese IV

Docente: prof.ssa Stefania Ballotto

Crediti e ore di lezione: 2 CFU, 20 ore

Contenuti del corso

  1. Assessment types and tasks. What are assessment types and tasks?
  2. Giving feedback.How do we give feedback?
  3. Why assess very young and young learners?
  4. Humanising assessment. Child friendly assessing
  5. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in the language – teaching classroom and in assessing
  6. Assessment and feedback activities
  7. Multiple intelligence profile- portfolio and reflection sheet
  8. Self-assessment and peer assessment

What kind of assessment would you develop for one of the following age groups?

5/6 year olds                   7/8 year olds            9/10 year olds


Attività e metodi

Il corso prevede: workshop

Modalità della valutazione

L’esame finale consiste in

EXAM TASK- Write appropriate assessment activities for the unit you prepared for your third year exam.

If there is an assessment in the unit, assess your assessment work and add one activity you had not thought of last year.

Please make sure all third year units which were corrected are posted onto the YELL platform. You should be able to see one another’s work, to be able to learn from one another and suggest how to use their work.

You may prepare the exam with the same members of the group you worked with or you may change if you wish.

Maximum number per group: THREE -3-

Testi e materiali di studio

Costituiscono programma d’esame:

  • Brewster Jean – Gail Ellis, 2002, The Primary English Teacher’s Guide- Penguin English Guides
  • Buzan Tony, 2004  Mind Maps for Kids, for Revision – Thorsons
  • Sophie Ioannou-Georgiou and Pavlos Pavlou 2003,  Assessing Young Learners - O.U.P
  • Multiple Intelligences: Teaching for Success - A practical guide Created by the Faculty of The New City School, 1995- The New City School, St.Louis, Missouri, the United States of America- ISBN 0-9643514-0-4