Science and Technology of Ceramics (the English translation of "Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali ceramici")

Science and technology of ceramics (traduzione in inglese del programma di Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali ceramici) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica


prof. Stefano MASCHIO






The objective of the course is to give technologic informations on ceramic materials for engineering applications. Students shall receive informations on many production processes for several ceramic materials starting from the raw materials used. The fired materials will be compared in terms of mechanical and thermal properties. During the course some advanced ceramics will be studied and their properties reported.

Acquired skills

- To know the complete properties of ceramic materials.
- To know the application fields of the different typologies of ceramics.
- To know the limits of ceramics when applied as engineering materials.
- To evaluate how to substitute some traditional engineering materials with specific ceramics.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Raw materials: natural materials for the ceramic industry, crystallographic structures and physico-chemical properties (6 hours).
Bricks: raw materials for bricks production, forming and sintering (4 hours).
Tiles and sanitary wares: raw materials for tiles and sanitary ware production; processing by milling and sintering (4 hours).
Table ware: raw materials for tableware production; homogenization and sintering (4 hours).
Porcelain: raw materials for china production; homogenization, sintering and characterization of fired bodies (4 hours).
Glass: types of glass and their characteristics; raw materials for the production; production techniques and properties of the resulting materials (6 hours).
Glass ceramics: production process of glass ceramics, the mechanical and thermal properties (4 hours).
Zirconia: transformation toughening and microcracking toughening of zirconia containing materials; the additives which leads to the production of high density partially stabilized zirconias; microstructural development of zirconia based materials; kinetic effects (6 hours).
Alumina: alumina ores and the extraction processes; the production processes leading to fully dense aluminas and the relative mechanical and thermal properties (6 hours).
Silicon carbide: production methods and mechanical properties of SiC (4 hours).
Guided tours (4 hours).
Labs (8 hours).


- Teacher’s notes

Type of exam
