Access national admission testClass L/SNT4 Health Professions for Preventive careCredits 180Duration 3 yearsLocation TriesteLegal requirements High School Diploma or other equivalent
Health Assistance
Specific training objectives The specific training objectives envisaged by the Degree in Health Care include three disciplinary areas: • biomedical and epidemiological skills; • prevention skills; • research skills; with a prevalent orientation towards the latter which assumes the role of characterizing competence in the context of the training project. The details of the skills are explained below. Biomedical and epidemiological skills • analyze, understand and effectively use socio-economic and health policy data of local, national and international importance; • critically analyze preventive rules also in their interrelationship, and ensure their consistent application in daily practice; • to select, feed and effectively use dashboards / databases / archives of health and administrative data, in order to support and inform decisions and subsequent systems for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of evidence / data; • identify the health needs of the community and the epidemiological and socio-cultural factors that influence them for the purposes of planning services; • to build, on the basis of the analysis of health problems and the offer of services, prevention and health promotion actions dedicated to the population; • design and coordinate models based on multidisciplinary integration and between contexts aimed at developing effective and efficient professional action, also by developing collaborative alliances with other professions; • define shared standards and indicators for assessing the quality of the services provided; • contribute to the definition of systematic plans for continuous improvement of prevention actions; • analyze the prevention actions undertaken, using data, models, tools and methods that are diversified and capable of collecting the multidimensionality of the problems; • activate networking methodologies, in order to integrate work and health competence with social skills, overcoming sectoral visions in this context as well. Preventive skills • design and implement actions to prevent infectious diseases, occupational diseases, chronic degenerative diseases, tumors, etc. using models and actions based on scientific evidence; • apply advanced methods and tools for the analysis and assessment of the state of health in order to plan preventive needs; • promote and carry out vaccination campaigns aimed at improving the vaccination coverage of the local population; • proactively intervene in the identification, tracking and follow-up of the population in the period of epidemics and pandemics by actively participating in the execution of the appropriate diagnostic tests as well as in the vaccination campaign when possible; • take decisions based on ethical-deontological principles and values that reflect an effective and respectful relationship between the person, the disease, health services and operators and develop bioethical judgment skills; • know in depth and know how to integrate their professional skills in prevention paths (eg. Infectious, cardio-vascular, neurological and oncological diseases, chronic-degenerative diseases, etc.); • act in the context of innovative prevention models using innovative methods, social channels with languages closer to the population in order to spread the culture of prevention: • design, implement and evaluate interventions for health promotion and prevention (primary, secondary and tertiary); • evaluate the results of prevention and health promotion interventions with quantitative methods. Research skills • recognize the peculiarities of the quantitative and qualitative research methodology, with particular attention to methods and tools; • apply the methodological foundations of scientific research in the prevention sector; • identify specific problems and research areas in the preventive, organizational and training fields; • collaborate in the design and management of research projects by developing an interdisciplinary vision; • interpret the results of the research, critically evaluating their relevance according to their possible transferability / application in professional, management and training practice. Training path description The 1st year is aimed at learning basic biomedical sciences, epidemiological methods in hygiene and public health, the foundations of prevention in the workplace with a knowledge of the relevant legislation; the introduction of the fundamentals of the prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases, health promotion and health education. These skills will be applied in the professional training carried out at the Health Departments, Health Districts, the Prevention Departments, the Mental Health Departments, the Addiction Departments, the Central Health Management and other bodies (INAIL, etc ..). The 2nd year is aimed at learning the methodology of preventive intervention in the field of food hygiene, chronic-degenerative, cardiovascular and cancer diseases. During the professionalizing internship, students will apply in the field what they have learned during the lectures and will design specific prevention interventions. The 3rd year is aimed at learning prevention actions in the workplace, in the prevention of related occupational and work-related diseases, in emergency and first aid interventions. Particular attention is paid to communicating the risk to the population and providing information on environmental risk factors in all possible contexts of interest. The long-term final internship will allow the future graduate to apply the prevention methodologies learned in the field and to evaluate the effects of the action carried out, using epidemiological methods. The transversal activities that will be reflected in all three years with different weights (theoretical in the first and theoretical / practical in the last) will concern the epidemiological methodology, the management of information at a quantitative and qualitative level, communication in Public Health. These activities will be conducted in collaboration with the activities of the School of Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. it will allow the future graduate student to apply the prevention methodologies learned in the field and to evaluate the effects of the action carried out, using epidemiological methods. The transversal activities that will be reflected in all three years with different weights (theoretical in the first and theoretical / practical in the last) will concern the epidemiological methodology, the management of information at a quantitative and qualitative level, communication in Public Health. These activities will be conducted in collaboration with the activities of the School of Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. it will allow the future graduate student to apply the prevention methodologies learned in the field and to evaluate the effects of the action carried out, using epidemiological methods. The transversal activities that will be reflected in all three years with different weights (theoretical in the first and theoretical / practical in the last) will concern the epidemiological methodology, the management of information at a quantitative and qualitative level, communication in Public Health. These activities will be conducted in collaboration with the activities of the School of Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. The transversal activities that will be reflected in all three years with different weights (theoretical in the first and theoretical / practical in the last) will concern the epidemiological methodology, the management of information at a quantitative and qualitative level, communication in Public Health. These activities will be conducted in collaboration with the activities of the School of Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. The transversal activities that will be reflected in all three years with different weights (theoretical in the first and theoretical / practical in the last) will concern the epidemiological methodology, the management of information at a quantitative and qualitative level, communication in Public Health. These activities will be conducted in collaboration with the activities of the School of Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine.
Health care assistant
Duties: Graduates will be able to carry out tasks of: vaccinations, health prevention interventions in the various stages of life, providing their professional activity to reduce diseases, communicable diseases and those related to incorrect lifestyles. Specifically, the Degree in Health Care responds to the right of citizens to rely on professionals who will be able to carry out their professional activity in the field of prevention. Graduates are health workers who have the powers provided for by the Ministerial Decree of the Ministry of Health January 17, 1997, n. 69 and subsequent amendments and additions; that is, they are involved in prevention, promotion and health education.
Skills: The activity of health care graduates is aimed at the individual, the family and the community. They identify health needs and priorities for preventive, educational and recovery intervention; identify health needs on the basis of epidemiological and socio-cultural data; identify biological and social risk factors and are responsible for implementation and solution and interventions that fall within their remit; they plan, plan, implement and evaluate health education interventions in all phases of a person's life; collaborate in the definition of communication methodologies, programs and campaigns for health promotion and education; contribute to training and updating of health and school workers regarding the methodology of health education; they intervene in family planning and health, sexual and socio-affective education programs; they implement specific interventions to support the family, activate network resources also in collaboration with general practitioners and other operators in the area and participate in therapy programs for the family; they supervise, to the extent of their competence, the hygienic-sanitary conditions in families, schools and assisted communities and check the hygiene of the environment and of the infectious risk; report and report to the competent authorities and propose operational solutions; operate within the centers jointly or alternatively with health education services, in public relations offices; collaborate, as far as they are concerned, in health promotion and education interventions in schools; participate in initiatives to evaluate and improve the quality of health services, noting, in particular, the levels of satisfaction by users; contribute to initiatives aimed at protecting the rights of citizens with particular reference to health promotion; participate in the activities organized in departmental form, both district and hospital, with inter-professional connection functions, with particular regard to the departments intended to implement the projects-objectives identified by the national, regional and local health planning; perform their functions with professional autonomy also through the use of specific techniques and tools; they carry out didactic-training and consultancy activities in services, where their professional competence is required; they act both individually and in collaboration with other health, social and school operators, making use, where necessary, of the work of support staff; they contribute to the training of support staff and directly contribute to updating their professional profile; they carry out their professional activity in public or private structures, in an employee or freelance regime. making use, where necessary, of the work of the support staff; they contribute to the training of support staff and directly contribute to updating their professional profile; they carry out their professional activity in public or private structures, in an employee or freelance regime. making use, where necessary, of the work of the support staff; they contribute to the training of support staff and directly contribute to updating their professional profile; they carry out their professional activity in public or private structures, in an employee or freelance regime.
Outlet: The Health Assistant can carry out his activity as an employee in public structures (Healthcare Companies, Hospitals) or private (Clinics, Nursing Homes, Nursing Homes, Workplaces) and / or as a freelancer for consultancy, research, projects and interventions. It operates in the Prevention Departments and Districts, in family and adolescent clinics, in public hygiene and community medicine services, in preventive medicine services, in prevention and safety services in the workplace, in hygiene services for children. food and nutrition, primary care, oncology, mental health departments, public relations offices, corporate quality offices and health education services. It deals with vaccinations, health prevention interventions in the various stages of life by providing their professional activity to reduce diseases, communicable diseases and those related to incorrect lifestyles. Graduates will be able to access the Master's Degrees in Prevention Sciences and 1st level Masters.