History of Architecture 2 (Storia dell'architettura 2)

Programma dell'insegnamento di History of Architecture 2 (Storia dell'architettura 2) - cdl in Scienze dell'architettura


prof. Stefano ZAGNONI



Acquired skills

- Become familiar with the main trends and leading exponents of 19th and 20th centuries Architecture and Urbanism.
- Be able to establish mutual relations among architectural expression, building system, typology.
- Examine in an architecturally aware manner the built environment, seeing it as the result of different ideas and strategies.


Toward a “new era”/ Changes in Architecture and Urbanism owing to Illuminist and Industrial revolutions. (6 hours)

Nineteenth century architecture / Case Studies: France, Great Britain, German states, United States. (10 hours)

Beyond canons / First historical vanguards (Art Nouveau, Modern style, Secession etc.); a special case: Adolf Loos. (10 hours)

First decades of the 20th century / Historical Vanguards and "Other Modernities", case studies (Germany, Holland, Scandinavia, France); Italy between the two World Wars (20 hours)

The “Golden age” of Modernity (1945-1970) / Achievements and reconsiderations into the “Modern Movement”; organic and expressionist trends; the end of CIAM and the TEAM X; ways of Italian architecture of the postwar years. (22 hours)

The last Forty years / After the Modern. Outline on main trends (Postmodern, Deconstructivism, Minimalism, Critical Regionalism) and leading exponents; from machine age to electronic age. (12 hours)


- Robin MIDDLETON, David WATKIN, Architettura dell’Ottocento, Milano, Electa 1980
- William J. R. CURTIS, L’architettura moderna dal 1900, London, Phaidon, 2006 (1° ed. 1982)
- Francesco DAL CO, Manfredo TAFURI, Storia dell'Architettura contemporanea, Electa, Milano 2009 (1° ed. 1976)
- Kenneth FRAMPTON, Storia dell'Architettura moderna, Zanichelli, Bologna 2008 (1° ed. 1980)

Type of exam
