Programmi di ricerca
JTI Innovative Medicine Initiative 2 (IMI2)
The goal of the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI 2) programme is to develop next generation vaccines, medicines and treatments, such as new antibiotics. It will build on the successes and lessons learnt under IMI's first phase. As before, it will bring together companies, universities, public laboratories, innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), patient groups and regulators in collaborative projects that will pave the way for breakthrough vaccines, medicines and treatments to tackle Europe’s growing health challenges, and secure the future international competitiveness of Europe’s pharmaceutical industry. The total budget for the IMI 2 programme is €3.276 billion. The EU will contribute up to €1.638 billion of this from Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation framework programme. EFPIA, the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations, will commit €1.425 billion in in kind contributions. In addition,other life science industries may contribute a further €213 million if they decide to join IMI 2 as members or as partners in individual projects.
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JPI Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. The specific aims of Ambient Assisted Living JPI (AAL) are to: 1. Foster the emergence of innovative ICT-based products, services and systems for ageing well at home, in the community, and at work, thus increasing the quality of life, autonomy, participation in social life, skills and employability of elderly people, and reducing the costs of health and social care. 2. Create a critical mass of research, development and innovation at EU level in technologies and services for ageing well in the information society, including the establishment of a favourable environment for participation by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 3. Improve conditions for industrial exploitation by providing a coherent European framework for developing common approaches and facilitating the localisation and adaptation of common solutions which are compatible with varying social preferences and regulatory aspects at national or regional level across Europe. AAL participating countries are 21: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxemburg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. AAL will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
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JPI healthy diet for a healthy life
TThe overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. The ambitious major goals of JPI HDHL are as follows: 1. The coordination of the scope of research programmes across Europe and reducing duplication of efforts. 2. The allowance for easier to address common challenges developing suitable solutions with the same objective concerning food, nutrition and active life policy in the international arena while taking into consideration cultural diversities among countries. 3. The promotion of scientific excellence through joint activities with common funding and peer-review processes to minimise fragmentation of research activities and to use public resources more efficiently and effectively improving the accountability and transparency of public research programmes. 4. The support of cross-border collaboration and facilitation of data pooling and their collection in a uniform and standardised way. 5. The sharing expertise scattered across countries or throughout Europe as a whole promoting creation of a critical mass, cross-border mobility and training to facilitate timely dissemination and translation of research results to inform public health practice and policy. 6. The increase of the scientific, technological and innovative impacts of public investments in research by strengthening the coordination with other related policies through greater programme visibility and promotion of cross-border policy learning. JPI HDHL participating countries are 19: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, New Zeland, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, , Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom. JPI HDHL will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
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JPI Water
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. WATERJPI research needs and related actions are structured around five core themes: 1. Maintaining ecosystem sustainability; 2. Developing safe water systems for the citizens; 3. Promoting competitiveness in the water industry; 4. Implementing a water-wise bio-based economy; and 5. Closing the water cycle gap. WATER JPI participating countries are 19: Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Moldavia. WATERJPI will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
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JPI Agricolture, Food Security and Climate Change FACCE
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. The integrated FACCE-JPI strategic research agenda defines 5 core research themes: 1. Sustainable food security under climate change, based on an integrated food systems perspective: modeling, benchmarking and policy research perspective 2. Environmentally sustainable growth and intensification of agricultural systems under current and future climate and resource availability 3. Assessing and reducing trade-offs between food production, biodiversity and ecosystem services 4. Adaptation to climate change throughout the whole food chain, including market repercussions 5. Greenhouse gas mitigation: nitrous oxide and methane mitigation in the agriculture and forestry sector, carbon sequestration, fossil fuel substitution and mitigating GHG emissions induced by indirect land use change FACCE participating countries are 16: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK. FACCE will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
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JPI Alzheimer and other Neurodegenerative Deseases (JPND)
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. JPND current strategy is to increase coordinated investment in neurodegenerative disease (ND) research aimed at finding causes of disease, developing cures, and identifying appropriate ways to care for those with ND. The neurodegenerative diseases that JPND focuses on are: • Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias • Parkinson’s disease (PD) and PD-related disorders • Prion disease • Motor neurone diseases (MND) • Huntington’s Disease (HD) • Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) JPND participating countries are 16: Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Turkey. JPND Climate will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
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JPI Climate
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. The JPI Climate's Strategic Research Agenda focuses on four interconnected research themes: • theme 1: Moving towards Reliable Decadal Climate Predictions • theme 2: Researching Climate Service Development and Deployment • theme 3: Sustainable Transformations of Society in the Face of Climate Change • theme 4: Improving Tools for Decision-Making under Climate Change JPI Climate participating countries are 14: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, United Kingdom. JPI Climate will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
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JPI More Years Better Lives
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. JPI MYBL has 4 main research domains: • Quality of life, health and wellbeing; • Economic and social production; • Governance and institutions; • Sustainable welfare. JPI MYBL participating countries are 15: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK. JPIAMR will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
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JPI Antimicrobial Resistance
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. JPIAMR objectives are: • Find routes for novel antibiotics and new anti-infectious strategies. • Scientifically validate means to increase the number of patients treated early with the appropriate antimicrobial. • Provide scientific evidence on ways to reduce the spread of resistant strains. • Provide scientific evidence on strategies to reduce the number of patients with resistant or MDR strains, at any level of antibiotic consumption. • Reduce the consumption of antibiotics. JPIAMR participating countries are: Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK. JPIAMR will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
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Justice Programme 2014-2020
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020
JPI Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans
The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. JPI Oceans main objectives are: 1. Foster enabling cross-cutting marine technologies across the maritime sectors. 2. Foster the marine bio economy in relation to new products, services and jobs. 3. Create the best enabling environment to maximise the development of marine renewable energy. 4. Develop the necessary knowledge and technologies to conquer the new deep-sea frontier. 5. Understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change and the pressure from human activities on the marine environment, to reach GES (Good Environmental Status) of our seas by 2020. 6. Improve the understanding of marine ecosystems and their processes, in particular delivery of ecosystem services and the impacts of human activities. 7. Understand climate change impact on coastal areas and design marine and maritime structures and activities, to optimise mitigation and significantly reduce costly damages. 8. Develop and sustain infrastructures to support an integrated data and information base enabling industrial development and supporting maritime governance. 9. Develop a research to policy mechanism, in particular to support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Marine Spatial Planning and Management. 10. Foster the inter-disciplinary human capacities that are necessary to the JPI goals. JPI Ocean participating countries are 22: Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom. JPI Ocean will launch each year one or more calls to finance specific projects.
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Horizon 2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
Endowing researchers with new skills and a wider range of competences, while offering them attractive working conditions, is a crucial aspect of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. In addition to mobility between countries, the actions also seek to break the real and perceived barriers between academic and other sectors, especially business. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions follow a "bottom-up" approach, i.e. individuals and organisations working in any area of research can apply for funding. The objective of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions is to support the career development and training of researchers – with a focus on innovation skills – in all scientific disciplines through worldwide and cross-sector mobility. For this, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions provide grants at all stages of researchers' careers, from PhD candidates to highly experienced researchers, and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. There are four main types of Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions: research networks (ITN) support for Innovative Training Networks that develop new researchers; individual fellowships (IF) support for experienced researchers undertaking mobility between countries, with the option to work outside academia; research and innovation staff exchanges (RISE) for international and inter-sectoral cooperation; co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) that finance research training or fellowships involving mobility to or from another country. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions also funds the European Researchers' Night (NIGHT), Choose translations of the previous link public events involving researchers which take place every year across Europe on the fourth Friday of September.
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Creative Europe – Culture Sub-Programme
Creative Europe is the European Commission's framework programme for support to the culture and media sectors. The Creative Europe programme has two sub-programmes, Culture and media in addition to a cross –sectoral strand. The Culture sub-programme helps cultural and creative organisations to operate transnationally and promotes the cross-border circulation of works of culture and the mobility of cultural players. It provides financial support to projects with a European dimension aiming to share cultural content across borders. The Programme shall be open to the participation of the Member States aln also of other Countries. The Culture Sub-programme shall provide support for: transnational cooperation projects; cooperation projects; literary translation; networks or platforms. The supported activities aim to enable cultural and creative players to work internationally.
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