Equipments in Buildings II (Impianti tecnici II)
Programma dell'insegnamento di Equipments in Buildings II (Impianti tecnici II) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Civile
The aim of the module is to provide students with the necessary skills for the design of air conditioning plants and building cooling systems. Furthermore, basic knowledge about lighting and acoustics are provided. The acquired notions are utilized for the evaluation of building cooling loads and for plant dimensioning with reference to the more frequent plant technologies and to the national and international Standards in the field of air conditioning.
Acquired skills
- The use and the understanding of the appropriate terminology in the design of cooling and air conditioning plants;
- The evaluation of the building cooling loads;
- The knowledge of environmental parameters affecting comfort in buildings;
- The calculation of mass flow rate of air and water in the plant components;
- The evaluation of typical moist air processes provided by equipment;
- The selection of appropriate plant components;
- The dimensioning of air ducts and water pipes.
Cooling loads: Outline of thermal comfort. Sensible and latent cooling loads in buildings, global energy balance. Building behaviour in summer period, notices about transfer functions and response factors. (6 hours)
Simplified method for cooling load calculation: Solar-air temperature, thermal capacity of building components, Carrier simplified method: equivalent temperature difference, thermal mass, shading coefficient. (6 hours)
Hydronic cooling systems: Cooling plants with fan-coils, sensible load on the terminal, fan-coil behaviour with reference to latent cooling load, air-change, two-pipe, three-pipe and four-pipe systems, partial load performances of fan-coils plants. Notices about radiant cooling systems and direct-expansion systems. (4 hours)
Air conditioning systems: All-air conditioning systems: behaviour in winter and summer period of single-duct systems; calculation of air mass flow rate; air-handling units: selection of components. Multizone systems: decentralized reheat, dual-duct systems. (8 hours)
Duct design: Friction losses: distibuited and local losses, local loss coefficients; duct design methods: equal friction method; static regain method. Room air diffusion: outlet location and selection. (6 hours)
Hydronic-air conditioning systems: Water-air conditioning systems: treated air of ventilation and fan-coils plant: evaluation of air mass flow rate; selection of terminals. System performances with reference to partial load situations. (5 hours)
Chillers: Vapour compression chillers and absorption chillers. Selection of chiller. Selection of the evaporating tower. (3 hours)
Lighting: Lighting parameters: lighting intensity; luminance. Artificial lighting of internal environments: design methods. (6 hours)
Acoustics: Acoustics parameters and response of the human ear to sound. Sound propagation outdoors: attenuation of sound pressure with distance and attenuation due to barriers. Room acoustics: reverberation; criteria for acoustic room design and treatment. Sound insulation: insulation from air-borne sound and structure-borne sound. Sound and impact transmission classes. (8 hours)
- Dispense e materiale distribuito durante il corso
- E. Bettanini e P. Brunello, Lezioni di Impianti tecnici, vol. Secondo, CLEUP, Padova
- G. Moncada Lo Giudice e L. De Santoli, Progettazione di impianti tecnici, CEA, Milano, 2000
- C. Pizzetti, Condizionamento dell'aria e refrigerazione, Masson, Milano
- ASHRAE Handbook.
Additional material or information on line
Type of exam
Written and oral