Labour Market Law
CORSO DI STUDIO: Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economics-Scienze Economiche a.a. 2015/2016
Denominazione insegnamento/Course Title
Labour market Law
Lingua dell’insegnamento: English
Crediti e ore di lezione: 6 CFU 48 ore di lezione
Moduli: NO
Settore/i scientifico disciplinare: IUS/07
Docente: Vanja Smokvina
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Prerequisiti e propedeuticità/Requirements
Prerequisites: sources of law, basics and tools provided in Private Law lessons.
Conoscenze e abilità da acquisire/Knowledge and skills
The course aims to provide students achieving an adequate legal knowledge of the labour market and of the dynamics of industrial relations and labor.
The course aims to give students a deeper knowledge of labor law with particular reference to issues of legal regulation of the labor market and industrial relations. The course aims to deepen and complete knowledge of the Italian labor law and the EU law in the perspective of the 'Fornero' reform of the labor market with a view to private and public companies.
Topics allow students to acquire:
- Advanced Knowledge of the basics of the main legal instruments governing labor market;
- European Labour Law
- Ability to learn and organize the legal reasoning and expose it orderly.
Programma e contenuti dell'insegnamento/Course description
The topics of the course are divided in two distinct parts:
Labor market / markets: the legal and institutional framework. European Labour Law. Public and private labor markets: employment, interposition, procurement, decentralization of production. Contracts, flexibility and training. Remuneration, employee benefits and income support. Structure and content of collective bargaining. The collective agreement in private employment. Working and collective bargaining in the public sector. The guarantees of the rights of workers, waivers and transactions, safeguarding of assets, conciliation and arbitration.
For both profiles, given the high rate of innovation of the matter, the examination program for STUDENTS ATTENDING THE COURSE could be modified at the discretion of the teacher.
Attending students are the student who attend at least 80% of lessons.
Attività di apprendimento e metodi didattici previsti/Teaching and Learning activities
The suggested books covering the whole program of teaching.
During the lessons, given the rapid evolution of matter, it gives account of the changes in the legislation, case law and collective bargaining, eventually through supplementary material on line from the site of the Teaching material or personal web page.
The teaching is essentially on theoretical lectures.
In addition, to support learning, there are seminars, practical exercises, testimonies and workshops.
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento/Examination
The examination consists of a written test.
The evaluation criteria used in the allocation of the final grade shall take account of the knowledge, the ability to re-elaboration of the topics covered and the correctness of the language.
Testi / Bibliografia/Bibliography
Italian Labour Market Law:
F. Carinci, R. De Luca Tamajo, P. Tosi, T. Treu, Diritto sindacale, Utet, Torino, vol. I, last ed., 2013 (I – III, IX - X).
F. Carinci, R. De Luca Tamajo, P. Tosi, T. Treu, Il rapporto di lavoro subordinato, Utet Torino, vol. II, last ed., 2013 (IV, V, IX, VIII, IX, XII, XIV).
European Labour Law (one of the following):
R. BLANPAIN, Comparative labour law and industrial relations in industrialized market economies, 10th revised edition.
Barnard C., EC Employment Law, OUP.
Bercusson B., European Labour Law, CUP
Tesi di laurea/Thesis
Based on the contents of the course you can be assigned different types of final tests: a theoretical thesis, law reviews, annotations judgments, etc.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR CANDIDATES are given by the teacher.
The course completes the basic course of labor law, to prepare the student to deal with the practical problems.