Environmental and resource economics
prof. aggr. Stefania Troiano stefania.troiano@uniud.it
Department of Economics and Statistics
The course provides the students with comprehensive knowledge about theoretical approaches and methodological tools from a political economic point of view in a perspective of sustainable development.
During the first part of the course the evolution of environmental and ecological economics related to pollution problems, environmental services and natural resources management will be illustrated. The microeconomic perspective and in particular the “market failure” theory will be emphasized.
The second part of the course will be dedicated to point out the instruments used to evaluate the measures and the institutional intervention that have an environmental impact, according to sustainable development principles. Intervention will be analysed both at international level (European Union) and at local (national and regional) level. The content of the second part focuses on the evolution of the instruments, from costs-benefits analysis to environmental impact assessment.
GOODSTEIN E.S. and POLASKY S. (2014), Economics and the Environment, 7th Edition, John Wiley and Sons. The lecturer will recommend further reading to the students to clarify specific issues.
Teaching arrangements
Lectures and seminars. Exercises.
Written final exam, which could be integrated by studying set text indicated by the lecturer.