Azzurra Di Bonaventura
In vitro production of secondary metabolites for potential use in nutraceutics from Coffea spp. cell cultures
Supervisors: Prof. Marco Zancani, Dr. Luciano Navarini
Plants synthesize an array of secondary metabolites to fulfil important physiological tasks as well as to face abiotic and biotic stresses. Since their therapeutic value, phytochemicals are widely used in pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetic sectors. In the last decades, plant cell and tissue culture techniques turn out to be an efficient and environment-friendly option for secondary metabolites production compared to traditional methods, which commonly rely on natural limited sources or chemical synthesis. Coffee (Coffea spp.) is one of the most economically important crops worldwide, ranking second as international commodity. Its relevance goes beyond the popular beverage. Indeed, coffee has a potential application in the medical field as a major source of phytochemicals including phenolic compounds, alkaloids, as well as terpenoids. The biological activities of these molecules (e.g., chlorogenic acid and caffeine) can result into beneficial effects against diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.
The main objective of the PhD is to study and characterize in vitro the production of secondary metabolites of nutraceutical importance, with specific regard to alkaloids and phenolic compounds, from Coffea spp. explants.
Biography and contacts
Azzurra Di Bonaventura was born in Monfalcone (GO), Italy on 21/10/1995. She obtained her bachelor degree in Environmental Science in 2018 and, in 2021, the master degree in Global Change Ecology both cum laude at the University of Trieste. From October 2021 to December 2021, she got a temporary research fellowship on vertical farming with the Biotechnology Department of the University of Verona. From January 2022, she is attending the PhD school in Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology at the University of Udine in collaboration with illycaffè S.p.A, Trieste.
Phone: +39 0432 55 8778