Soil management and irrigation (Module group: "Agronomical techniques and territory")
Dott. Gemini Delle Vedove
Total workload: 75 hours
Attending classes : Regular lectures (20h) and exercises (5h)=30 h
4h x 7 weeks+ 2h
Field visits : 5 h
personal work: 40 h
Targeted learning outcomes
The students will acquire the capacity to evaluate different techniques aimed at enhancing soil and water conservation in a high quality production system.
Basics of Soil physics: pseudotransfer functions to estimate, density and soil hydrological parameters.
Control of erosion runoff and drainage in plain and sloping fields.
Land improvement: Land levelling, terracing, drainage .
Soil management. Cover-cropping and weed control.
Soil water status monitoring and modelling water requirements for Vineyard.
Water sources and storage: groundwater, runoff water, dams
Irrigation methods, irrigation equipments, and quality of irrigation water
Teaching format:
Regular lectures, exercises with models, visiting vineyards
- Allen RG, Pereira LS, Raes D, Smith M (1998) Crop Evapotrans-piration. Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper, 56.
- Ramos MC . Soil water balance in rainfed vineyards of the Penedès region (Northeastern Spain) affected by rainfall characteristics and land levelling: influence on grape yield. Plant Soil (2010) 333:375–389. DOI 10.1007/s11104-010-0353-y
- Guida per il viticulture. 2004. Veneto Agricoltura. Download:
- Cellette F. , Gary C. 2013 Dynamics of water and nitrogen stress along the grapevine cycle as affected by cover cropping. Eur J Agr. 45,142-152. .
- Peterlunger E. et al. Deficit idrico e qualità dell’uva.. 2012 L’Informatore Agrario 15.46-52.
- Aude Ripoche A. et al. 2010. Design of intercrop management plans to fulfil production and environmentalobjectives in vineyards. Eur J Agr. 32,30-39. doi:10.1016/j.eja.2009.05.00
- C. Acevedo-Opazo et al. 2010. Effects of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) water status on water consumption, vegetative growth and grape quality: An irrigation scheduling application to achieve regulated deficit irrigation. Agr. Water Mngt. 97, 955-964. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2010.01.025.
- VSIM - Vineyard Soil Irrigation Model – release 5/01/03 - User Guide. Lars Pierce (CSUMB), Ramakrishna Nemani (U of Montana), and Lee Johnson (CSUMB, NASA-Ames)
- Scalabrelli G. et al. 2011.Qualità dell’uva e del vino ed interventi irrigui. L’inf. Agr. 20, 38-44.
Exam achievementes
Oral examination
Recommended prerequisites: Basics on soil science