Computer networks (the English translation of "Reti di calcolatori")
prof. Pier Luca MONTESSORO
This module describes how local and wide area network work and gives the student the needed knowledge to design and maintain simple networked systems.
Acquired skills
- Understanding of terms, concepts and problems in computer networks.
- Analyzing local or wide area netork configurations.
- Defining technical requirements of a local or wide area nework project.
- Designing simple network projects and software applications.
Lectures and exercises
Introduction to computer networks: applications, Internet and intranet; architectures, layers, protocols, interfaces; ISO/OSI and TCP/IP (6 hours).
Physical layer: channels, cables, encoding, structured cabling systems (6 hours).
Public networks: multiplexing and switching, ATM (6 hours).
Local Area Networks: introduction to LAN, MAC sublayer, Ethernet and 802.3, Token Ring, FDDI (introduction), internetworking, bridges and switches, wireless LAN and VLAN (10 hours).
Wide Area Networks: routing, addressing, IP, ARP, routing algorithms (10 hours).
Application software: the transport layer, the Berkeley socket library, TCP/IP application protocols (8 hours).
SIP and security: accessing an Internet Service Provider, NAT, firewalls, services (4 hours).
Exercises (4 hours).
Labs (10 hours).
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Reti di Computer, fourth edition, Prentice Hall International
- S. Gai, P.L. Montessoro, P. Nicoletti, Reti locali: dal cablaggio all'internetworking, ed. SSGRR, L'Aquila, 1997 (available on line:
Type of exam
Written and oral
Additional material or information on line