Electronic Devices and Components
prof. Luca SELMI
Obiettivi formativi specifici/Objectives
Starting with the drift diffusion model of semiconductors, the lectures describe the operating principles of the main micro- and nnao-electronic semiconductor devices (bipolar and MOS) and the relation between the physical/geometrical/technological parameters and the electrical performance.
Competenze acquisite/Acquired skills
- Overlook of semiconductor devices available for different applications.
- Understanding the physical operating principles of bipolar and MOS devices.
- Understading the implication of geometry, technology and physics parameters on device performance.
- Understanding the drift diffusion model for semiconductor devices.
Programma/Lectures and exercises
Basics of semiconductor physics: electronic properties of crystals; band structures; intrinsic and doped semiconductors; Fermi level; Carrier concentration (4 hours).
The Drift-Diffusion model: tPoisson's equation; continuity and transport equations; mobility; diffusion coefficient; generation recombination in semiconductors (4 hours).
Semiconductor junctions: p-n junctions and metal semiconductor junctions; a glimpse on LED diodes, avalanche photodiodes and solar cells (12 hours).
The bipolar transistor: fundamental static behavior and second order effects; a glimpse of heterojunction bipolar transistors (12 hours).
The MOS transistor: fundamentals of the static behavior; short channel effects and mobility degradation; dynamic behavior (12 hours).
Microfabrication Technology: lithography, deposition, etching, growth; fabrication examples (led, accelerometers, etc...) (12 hours).
Exercises: use of the electron device simulators (Dessis ISE TCAD suite) for the analysis of semiconductor devices (6 hours).
Labs (4 hours).
- Lecture notes
- B.G.Streetman, S.K.Banerjee, ''Solid State Electronic Devices'', 6th ed. Prentice Hall
- Y.Taur, T.Ning, Fundamentals of Modern VLSI devices, Cambridge
- G.Ghione, Dispositivi per la microelettronica, McGraw-Hill
- J.P.Colinge, Semiconductor device physics
- Muller-Kamins, Device electronics for integrated circuits, Wiley
Modalità d'esame/Type of exam
oral exam
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