Complete profile
Francesco CRISCI
- DIES Dipartimento di scienze economiche e statistiche
- Ricercatore Universitario
- ECON-07/A Economia e gestione delle imprese
Curriculum vitae
Professors' office hours
- NB: per l'orario di ricevimento "ufficiale", consultare le pagine web personali: (alla sezione "Teaching")
Institutional duties
- Delegato permanente DIES - Consiglio del Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo
Research interests. (1) Critical Management Studies/Critical Marketing (Consumer Culture Theory/Transformative Consumer Research) perspectives; (2) Neo-Institutional Theory/Institutional Work perspectives and Practice-based approaches in Management and Organization Studies; (3) Social Research Methods/Interpretive research traditions: Science and Technology Studies (STS; Social Construction of Technology (SCOT: e.g. Pinch, Hughes, Bijker); Actor-Network Theory (ANT: e.g. Latour, Law, Callon); “theories of practice” (e.g. Gherardi, Schatzki, Shove, Nicolini); economic/sociology of markets (e.g. Callon, MacKenzie, Fligstein); Assemblage Theory and Object-Oriented-Ontology-OOO (e.g. DeLanda, Harman, Bryant, Meillassoux, Morton); “qualitative” research methods: historical institutionalism; grounded theory and ethnomethodology; organizational symbolism/socio-cultural perspectives and situated cognition; narrative knowing/semiotic perspective and socio-linguistics.
Research groups
- Group member: Imprenditorialità
- Group member: Innovation management
- Group member: Marketing
- Group member: Strategia d'impresa e contesti competitivi
- Group member: Tourism Management & Marketing
- Group member: TRUTHSTER