Supervisore: Prof. Brancolini Role of epigenetic modifications in the control of cellular senescence |
Cellular senescence triggers profound epigenetic changes that cause the senescent cell to alter not only its proliferative state but also its surrounding microenvironment. This affects tissue functionality, immune defences and causes latent inflammatory states that are responsible for ageing. The best-known phenomenon of microenvironmental influence is known as SASP. SASP may also be responsible for contradictory effects in the context of neoplastic disease: protective in early stages, deleterious in advanced stages and recurrence. With this project we aim to investigate the role of the MEF2 transcription factors family and their correlation with class IIa HDACs in these processes. In fact, MEF2 TFs are the best known class IIa HDACs binding partners. We will use innovative approaches and methodologies to better define the epigenetic modifications underlying cellular senescence and SASP. Models of hUtSMCs and LMS cell lines will be used to study replicative senescence and oncogene-induced senescence, genome editing techniques and next-generation approaches will be applied to further our understanding on defining enhancers and superenhancers that control senescence and to understand the role of DNA damage and epigenetic modifications. |