Modelling of pollutant dynamics (Dinamica e modellistica degli inquinanti)
Discuss the mechanisms of transport/reaction of chemical species in the environment (water and air); develop different types of models (physically based/statistical) to study pollutant dynamics.
Acquired skills
Knowledge of basic principles controlling transport/fate of pollutants in the environment; ability to select and use state of the art modelling techniques to analyse/predict pollutant dynamics
Specific contents
Transport mechanisms:
Convection, diffusion and reaction of chemical species in the environment. Mass, momentum and species conservation equations. Turbulent transport. 3D, 2D, 1D and 0D formulation of mass transport equation (8 hours)
Analysis of environmental data
Sampling and monitoring itechniques for environmental pollutants; Environmental data analysis: statistics (mean, variance, probability density function, joint pdf), graphical representation of data (boxplot, scatterplot, probability plot,...); correlation analysis; time series analysis; development of predictive/explanatory statistical models (16 hours)
Numerical model
Dimensionless parameters in the transport equation (N. Peclet, Courant, Damkholer). Numerical solution of 1D transport equation (6 hours)
Water quality models
DO-BOD dynamics, Streeter-Phelps model, self purification factor of natural streams. Biological models. Qual2E water quality model (10hours)
Air quality models
Eulerian and Lagrangian models:analytical solution of 3D mass transport equation; Gausian models (virtual source, maximum ground level concentration and downstream distance for maximum concentration); Screenviewmodel; Calpuff model; Concentration isocontours and statistics at ground level; environmental impact assessment (20 hours)
Bird B.B., Stewart W.E. and Lightfoot E.N., ``Transport phenomena'', Wiley, NY, 1960.
Cussler L., ``Diffusion. Mass transfer in fluid systems'', Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Rutherford C., ``River mixing'', Wiley & Sons, 1994
Zheng C. and Bennet G.D.,``Applied contaminant transport modeling'', Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995.
Perkins H.C., ``Air pollution'', McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974.
Statistical methods in water resources, USGS, Book 4, Hydrologic analysis and Interpretation, 2005
Lee F.P., ''Loss and prevention in the process industries'', Butterworths & Co. Ldt, 1986.
Type of exam
applied project (analysis of environmental data using modelling software or statistical)