Energy Systems (Sistemi energetici)
The main objective is to provide an in-depth knowledge of energy systems. Particular attention is devoted to the study of power plants that use non-renewable energy sources. The analysis focuses on different plant configurations, discussing attainable performance and related environmental impact.
Acquired skills
- to understand the energy systems operation
- to know functional and constructive charactetistics of main non-renewable energy systems
- to choose a good energy systems installation- to know the main non-renewable power plant solutions
- to foresee the main enviromental pollutions from power plants
power plants: power plants characteristics, renewable and non-renewable plants, energy balance and comsumption, cogeneration and trigeneration (8 h)
steam plants and steam generator: thermo-electric plants: design, performance and regulationsteam boiler generator (4 h)
steam turbines: steam turbines for thermo-electric plants: design, performance and regulation.Applications and examples. (4 h)
gas turbines: gas turbines for power plants and propulsion systems: design, performance and regulation. Applications and examples (8 h)
combined gas-steam power plants: combined gas-steam power plants: thermodynamic design and performance;Main components: Heat Recovery Steam Generator, gas turbine. Repowering . (8 h)
STIG, IGCC and PFBC plants: Other power plants with gas turbines: Steam Injected Gas Turbines, Integrated Gas Coal Combined plants, combined plants with Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion. (8 h)
nuclear power plants: nuclear power plants: thermodynamic fundamentals and characteristics; main models and applications. (4 h)
Internal Combustion Engine power plants: power plants with ICE, cogeneration and trigeneration plants. (4 h)
- Cohen, Rogers and Saravanamutto, "Gas turbine theory", Longman Ed.
- Horlock, "Cogeneration Combined Heat and Power", Pergamon press
Type of exame