History of economic thought
prof. aggr. Mario Robiony mario.robiony@uniud.it
Department of Economics and Statistics
Knowing the origin, the characteristic and the historical-critical evolution of the main economic theories, in relation with the scientific and cultural context in which they were formulated; understanding the complexity of existing relations between doctrines, economic systems and economic politics.
Course Programme
The Legacy of the Middle Ages economic thought. The Mercantilism. The Physiocracy. A. Smith and the birth of economy as a science. The population malthusian principle. Formalization of classic analysis in D. Ricardo. Re-interpretation of the economic law concept and explanation of the stationary state by J. S. Mill. Marxian economics: labour market and creation of the surplus-value, its accumulation and law of potential decrease of the profit rate. Social Christian economics, with particular reference to Giuseppe Toniolo. A. Marshall and neo-classical economics basis. The marginalism. The Keynes turning-point. Some contemporary economic thought trends.
Class notes and suggested readings. For a first orientation: C. E. Staley, A History of Economic Thought: from Aristotele to Arrow, Cambridge-Oxford, Blackwell 1991.