Technical Urban Planning (Tecnica urbanistica)

Programma dell'insegnamento di Technical Urban Planning (Tecnica urbanistica) - cdl in Ingegneria Civile


prof. Sandro FABBRO



General information

The course is divided into two parts of thirty hours each: the first part is dedicated to the basic models and methods of Urban Planning; the second part is devoted to techniques and applications of Urban Planning.


- To acquire the basic methodologies to interpret, design and implement projects in cities and in the region;
- To raise awareness of the main tools of urban planning through targeted exercises of spatial analysis and reinterpretation of significant plans.

Acquired skills

- Knowledge of the basic principles of the discipline in modern and contemporary times;
- Knowledge of the main theoretical and historical experiences in modern and contemporary times;
- Knowledge of what the urban planning is nowadays;
- Acquisition of basic methodologies and techniques of urban planning.



1. Contemporary Urban planning themes, models and methods
Introductory lectures. Presentation and discussion of some topical examples of Urban planning in the XIX and XX centuries (6 hours)
Knowledge of the spatial structures of the city and the region. Natural and artificial land use. Systems and structures: how to recognize and analyze them. Forms, functions, dynamics. (10 hours)
From the analysis to the spatial project: interactions between environmental networks, settlements and infrastructure networks; mobility; urban, metropolitan and regional systems. Basic approaches to the construction of spatial scenarios and the identification of strategic topics and areas. (14 hours)

2. Urban planning applications
Characteristics of Urban planning systems. Urban planning in Italy nowadays. The Piano Regolatore Generale and its most recent evolutions. (10 hours)
Intervention regimes. Scenario building. Objectives identification. Planning strategies. The construction of the master plan. Evaluation of scenarios and strategies. Parameters and indices for Urban planning . Norms and action plans. (20 hours)


- Gabellini P. (2003) Tecniche Urbanistiche, Carocci editore, Roma
- Gaeta, Rivolin, Mazza (2013), Governo del Territorio e Pianificazione Spaziale, CittàStudi Edizioni, Milano

Type of exam

Oral and/or short thesis