Composite Materials Science and Technology (the English translation of "Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali compositi")

Composite Materials Science and Technology (traduzione in inglese del programma di Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali compositi) - cdl magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica


prof. Lorenzo FEDRIZZI






Aim of this course is to describe the different categories of composite materials, to analyze their main chemical and physical characteristics and to correlate these features with the mechanical, thermal and chemical behaviour. This course will also describe the main categories of protective coatings analyzing their composite nature.

Acquired skills

- The know-how for selecting a composite material depending on the technological requirements of the structure/component to be designed.
- The knowledge for selecting a protective coating as function of the specific working conditions.

Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)

Introduction and definitions: definition of a composite structure and of a composite material; composite material for structural or for functional uses; Ashby diagrams (3 hours).
Composite material components: different functions of matrices, aggregates and reinforcements, transition zones; examples of structural and functional composites (4 hours).
Composite matrices: metallic, ceramic and polimeric matrices; fundamentals on the production processes (5 hours).
Composite Reinforcements: metallic, ceramic and polimeric reinforcements; fiber, particles and whiskers; fundamentals on the production processes (8 hours).
Different composite materials categories: production processes, applications and limits (12 hours).
Organic coatings:  main characteristics, protection mechanisms, production technologies (9 hours).
Metallic coatings: main characteristics, protection mechanisms, production technologies (6 hours).
Ceramic coatings: main characteristics, protection mechanisms, production technologies (5 hours).
Guided tours (8 hours).


- Didactic material from teacher lessons
- Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali. Una Introduzione. W.D. Callister jr. EdiSES Napoli 2002
- Materiali compositi per l'ingegneria. Claudio Badini Celid

Type of exam
