Power Electronics (the English translation of "Elettronica di potenza")
prof. aggr. Stefano SAGGINI
Knowledge of the semiconductor technology dedicated to the power conversion. Design capability of power electronics systems.
Acquired skills
- Detailed Know-how on power electronics design.
- Knowledge on smart power technologies.
- Knowledge on power circuits topologies.
Lectures and exercises (topics and specific content)
Introduction: power electronics applications description (2 hours).
Switching capacitor converters: description of switching capacitor circuits converters (2 hours).
Power devices: description of the power diodes and power switches, description of the SOA (6 hours).
Driving circuit for power devices: driving power switches circuit description (8 hours).
Snubber circuits: snubber circuit description (6 hours).
Trasformer design: design of magnetic devices (5 hours).
Isolated converters: isolated conversion design (8 hours).
Dynamic analysis: dynamic analysis of the switching converter (8 hours).
Control circuits design: analysis and design of the voltage and current mode controls loop (10 hours).
EMI filters: design of the EMI filters (5 hours).
Exercises (10 hours).
- R. W. Erickson, D. Maksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, Kluwer Academic Press, 1999
- Mohan,Undeland, Robbins, Power Electronics-Converters, Applications, Design, J.Wiley & Son, New York, 1989
- Kassakian, Schlecht, Verghese, Principles of Power Electronics, Addison Wesley, 1991
Type of exam
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