Renewable Energies 2nd module (Energie rinnovabili 2)
The course provides a detailed knowledge of renewable energies. The aim is to enable students to understand the energy potential of a site, to choose among different plant layouts and evaluate their environmental impact.
Acquired skills
- Capability of understanding the energy potential of a site
- Capability of understanding and choose among different plant components and plant layouts
- Capability of understanding the life cycles of renewable energies conversion systems
- Capability to evaluate the environmental impact of renewable energies conversion
Principles: density and diffusion of renewable energy sources, renewable energies definitions and energy statistics. (3 hours)
Solar energy: irradiance, solar spectra, beam solar radiation, diffuse solar radiation, reflection, solar coordinates and sun position, shading. (9 hours)
Thermal solar energy: low temperature domestic systems, concentration, thermoelectrical plants. (4 hours)
Photovoltaic: principles, efficiencies, multijunction and organic cells, in field performance. (4 hours)
Biomasses: life cycle assessment, CO2 balance, sample economic analyses. (5 hours)
For the solar energy part: Comini G, Savino S (2013). La captazione dell'energia solare, CISM - International Center for Mechanical Sciences, (free download, in Italian).
Type of exam