Access admission unrestrictedClass LM-94 Interpreting and specialised translatingCredits 120Duration 2 yearsLocation UdineLegal requirements three-year university degree or diploma or equivalent
Translation and Cultural Mediation
The Magister Degree Course in Translation and Cultural Mediation aims to prepare professionals with solid linguistic and methodological competences and with thorough analytical skills, so as to be able to face diversified translational activities in a complex and ever-changing labor market. Linguistic and cultural mediation is, indeed, particularly important in a rapidly changing world where cultural diversity is always more an added value.
The Magister Degree Course has been planned as the continuation and completion of the degree courses in Foreign Languages and Literatures (Class 11 and 12) of the University of Udine. However, thanks to its features of innovation and an adequate balance among linguistic and humanist disciplines, the Course is suitable for students from other degree courses held in other Italian or foreign universities. Many of the core courses are, in fact, attended by foreign students who come to Udine on Erasmus exchange programmes.
In addition to the educational objectives established by law for this Magister Degree Class, the Course aims to:
- provide students with high competences in the translation into Italian from other two foreign languages. Technical competences in the translation of specialized written texts (with particular focus on the special languages of literary, economic-legal, technical-scientific, IT and multimedia disciplines) are provided alongside a thorough cultural preparation and a sound knowledge of stylistics, text theory and translation theory. Special attention is given to aspects concerning terminology and quality (i.e. revision and evaluation of the errors etc.). Students will also have adequate knowledge about the publishing industry and its strategies, about the entertainment business (especially cinema and fiction) and the advertising and multimedia world, so as to be able to emphasize the translator’s role and responsibility in the market;
- provide students with adequate and updated knowledge of the IT and multimedia technologies needed for translation in a constantly evolving professional market. Graduates will have the necessary competence to reflect on the translational experience and interiorize ethical-professional aspects. They will be highly trained experts who know how to aptly deal with the cultural dynamics, technological evolution and economic-productive needs of the sector;
- provide thorough theoretical and practical competences which will allow graduates to work critically and self-consciously in various fields of linguistic and cultural mediation, both individually or in a team. Such competences will enable them to interact efficiently with the other professionals involved, i.e., the commissioning party, the addressee/s of the translated text, etc.
The Course is organized in didactic periods/semesters and comprises two years per Language, which focus on (active and passive) Translation, as well as theoretical, methodological and IT disciplines applied to translation. The student can also choose elective courses within macro-area groupings to enhance his/her preparation and vocation in specific fields.
All Language courses and Literature courses present in the study plan are propedeutical. Therefore, students cannot, for instance, take their Language LM II year exam before passing Language LM I.
Graduates can use the expertise gained to work as professional translators in various fields, and be employed in teaching and research, publishing, advertising and cultural mediation for Italian and international institutions and public and private bodies, both in Italy and abroad.