Laboratory of Business Strategies and Policies

CORSO DI STUDIO: Laurea Magistrale Economia Aziendale- Sede Udine                                          a.a. 2015/2016

Denominazione insegnamento/Course title

Laboratory of Business Strategies and Policies

Lingua dell’insegnamento: Inglese
Crediti e ore di lezione: 6 CFU 48 ore di lezione

Moduli: NO

Settore/ scientifico disciplinare: SECS-P/02

Docente: Elisa Barbieri
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Prerequisiti e propedeuticità/Requirements

PREREQUISITES: The knowledge and competences acquired in several first year courses of the Msc degree in Business Economics, such a business strategy, evaluation of businesses and assets, quantitative methods for businesses and groups, will provide a useful support for the aims of this course. PROPEDEUTIC COURSES: Relationship Marketing (for the MO curriculum) and Bilancio IFRS delle imprese e dei gruppi (for the AC curriculum).

Conoscenze e abilità da acquisire/Knowledge and skills

The course has two main aims: to consolidate and strengthen specific competencies acquired in the two years of the Msc curricula (Administration and Control; Management and Organization); to develop meta-competencies and cross-field abilities. The course offers the opportunity to students to deepen their understanding of some of the main strategic and operational problems of the firm, which involve the professional figures (either directly or through consultancy) that the degree seeks to form.

Skills related to the disciplines

The students will directly apply their knowledge and competences in a highly interactive and self-governed context. In doing so they will deepen their knowledge on several crucial areas such as: internationalisation processes, re-organisation of firms, reconfiguration of processes, business evaluation, business restructuring and etc.

Soft skills
The course will allow students to develop meta-competencies and cross-field abilities, in particular:
- The ability to gather relevant data and information and organize it in suitable datasets;
- the capacity to work in a group,
- the ability to work under pressure,
- the capacity to respect strict and short deadlines,
- the ability to organize and manage time and workloads,
- the ability to take leadership positions,
- the capacity to present a report to a board of directors, or technical committee and etc.

Programma e contenuti dell'insegnamento/Course description

The course is structured along project activities. These project activities require students to deepen the knowledge acquired in previous courses and to apply it to simulated or real case- studies, in an original and critical way. The specific content of projects demands the employment of competencies that encompass different subjects, ranging from economics, to management, organization, administration and control, law and statistics.

Attività di apprendimento e metodi didattici previsti/Teaching and Learning activities

Projects are presented by the project tutor at the beginning of the course and then they are developed within working-groups. Throughout the course the project tutor supervises the working-groups through revision sessions scheduled at the beginning of the course. At the end of the course students present their final reports simulating a relation to, for instance, a board of directors, a local committee, or a shareholder assembly.

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento/Examination

Student are required to sumbit a printed version of the projects and are required to give a presentation of their main results to the final commission (project tutors).

The written exam (project) accounts for 40% of the final mark, while the oral defense accounts for 60% of the final mark.


Readings and other working materials are provided during the course and are available on “materiale didattico online”

Strumenti a supporto della didattica/Further readings and support material

PPT introductory presentations; outlines of the projects; handouts with detailed descriptions of the projects;

Tesi di laurea/Thesis

It is possible to design final dissertations based upon some specific project-themes developed during the course.


Given the nature and the objectives of the course students are highly encouraged to attend the lectures, working sessions and revisions. Those that do not attend will have to prepare their project works individually based on the same material provided to attending students. The final mark is 100% based on the oral defense of the individual project work.